LUCY™ EA Phantom Easy Access for Multiple-Mets SRS and SGRT QA Target your stereotactic program goals with simple, complete, and efficient validation of your SRS and SGRT treatment process.
CT/SIM Check Daily CT SIM QA Phantom Designed with simplicity for implementing a broad range of CT/SIM performance analyses for TG-66.
LUCY™ ThorX End-to-End SBRT QA+ Phantom Evaluate your entire radiotherapy treatment process. Simulation, Treatment Planning, Imaging, and Delivery QA as recommended by TG-53, TG-66, TG-142 and AAPM MPPG guidelines.
QA Pilot™ Manage your department, metrics and QA data, anytime, anywhere. Say goodbye to spreadsheets and hello to one platform for streamlined operations. Optimize performance and customize QA to meet your department’s needs.