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Customer Care Portal

Customer Care Portal

Create your free account and have access to user manuals and more!

Database for Managing Your QA Solutions

A user-friendly database full of information and resources to help you manage your QA equipment.

Resource Library

User manuals, Multilanguage quick reference guides, Technical notes, Publications, Instruction videos, Product support webinars, and Product literature.

Request calibrations and track their status

Our online request for calibrating your QA equipment is easy and convenient. Track when your QA equipment was calibrated and download ADCL Calibration Reports.

Track Technical Support Cases

View status of your product service repairs, calibrations, and Technical Support cases.

Track QA Equipment Records

View hardware and software QA solutions to locate:

Software license key numbers and expiration dates. Hardware warranty dates by product serial number. Hardware calibration history by product serial number.

Track Equipment Contracts

View hardware and software contracts request:

Software maintenance agreement renewals. Hardware maintenance agreement renewals. Warranty extensions on eligible hardware solutions.

Loyalty Trade Up Plan

Track which Standard Imaging QA solutions are eligible for Loyalty Trade Up plans
Customer Care Portal 060321

Jun 3rd, 2021 / Managing Your QA Products Just Got Easier

Our Customer Care Portal is a platform to help you manage your QA solutions and access helpful resources. Learn how to create an account in the portal and get a walk through of managing your hardware, software, calibrations, support cases, and more!

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