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Standard Imaging unveils latest software at ESTRO 2022, paving the way for a stronger, more accurate future for QA

Posted: May 13th, 2022
Product Announcements

Standard Imaging unveiled the latest from their patient dosimetry software, Adaptivo™ at ESTRO 2022. ESTRO, Europe’s largest industry exhibition in radiation oncology, was hosted May 6-10 in Copenhagen, Denmark.

“Patients are the priority,” said Eric DeWerd, President of Standard Imaging. “Software that helps your clinic provide the highest-quality treatment and care is imperative. We’re excited to present users with a way to make treatments safer and their QA workflow easier.”

Patient Dosimetry Software

Adaptivo provides the complete view into the daily and cumulative dose delivered to your patients and allows users to monitor and evaluate the quality of treatment plan delivery with trusted patient dosimetry software: Pre-Treatment, In Vivo, and Adaptive.

  • Absolute Automation: Fully automated workflow allows for review of In Vivo QA using EPID images.
  • Accurate Delivery Verification: Verify your patient was aligned correctly during entire treatment.
  • Detect Changes and Determine Issues: Indication of changes in patient anatomy allows for timely replanning.

Daily Exit Dose Monitoring

Monitor exit dose from the patient to expose deviations from the treatment plan and setup without adding time to your workflow. This proactive monitoring allows for more responsive, informed decisions.

Many users worldwide rely on Adaptivo for their In Vivo QA. In Vivo monitoring is increasing at a global level and many European countries recommend In Vivo dosimetry for each technically measurable beam during the first or second irradiation session, as well as at each modification in the treatment.

“From ensuring the accuracy and consistency of treatments to providing verification of accurate plan delivery, Adaptivo software gives the truest picture of patient and dose at each stage of treatment,” said Jeff Manion, Standard Imaging Program Director. “As we look forward to the future of QA, Adaptivo is paving the way.”

About Standard Imaging

Standard Imaging is a leading manufacturer of QA instruments for radiation-based treatments that improves patient safety and cancer treatments. Grounded in reliability and trust, they've dedicated more than 30 years to developing solutions that save you time, while maintaining accurate and precise results with unmatched support along the way. It’s your time. Be precise. For more information, contact us here!



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