
CT/SIM Check Daily CT SIM QA Phantom

Designed with simplicity for implementing a broad range of CT/SIM performance analyses for TG-66.

Daily QA in 5 Minutes

Therapist-friendly phantom that quickly performs Daily CT QA when paired with iQA Automatic Analysis Software. Easily access reports, data trending, and data processing results.

All in One

Replaces all your Daily CT QA Phantoms. Save time and setup variability.

Better Treatment Quality

Prevent or immediately detect virtually any CT/SIM-related NC’s that can affect downstream planning, dosimetry, and delivery activities.

Integral for QA Routines

Ensure the critical elements of the CT Simulation process (people, registration hardware, couch, external lasers, internal lasers, scanner, various software systems, and their collective coincidence) remain within established conformance parameters.


Light-weight. Reproducible. Efficient.

These tests provide the clinical team with daily metrics, acceptance of use, and long-term trending analysis.

IMT CTSIM Check Photo

Range of Tests Include:

  • HU Constancy Checks
  • Volume Uniformity
  • Laser alignment in three axes
  • Image orientation display
  • Geometric scaling and isocenter laser localization
CT SIM Check couch
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